Friday, June 11, 2010

Good readers

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According to Navokob, a good reader is a person that can identify details from the words on the text that he is reading. In addition to that, is a person that can use his/her own thoughts, a dictionary and his creative common sense. In do agree with the author of this essay called “Good Readers and Good Writers”, because I use a dictionary every time I do not understand a meaning of a word, it really makes a difference on understanding the context.

I believe that the characteristics of a good reader are: a person who learns something new from a book, it can be a cooking book or a story book, and a person who translates the text to his/her own language. I refer “own language” to understand and comparing own experience and background knowledge with the author’s experience. Further more is very useful to browse for more information if you do not exactly understand the meaning of what you just read. In this case, I found more information about characteristics of good readers from a website listed below, that I can put on practice. 1) “Make connections” with the outside world, 2) “Visualizing” what you read, 3) “Questioning” ask yourself questions about the subject and agree or disagree with the author’s ideas, 4) “Inferring” able to read between lines, 5) “Determining Importance” understanding the main idea of the context, 6) Synthesizing” developing our own ideas, and at least 7) “Fix-Up Strategies” finding the meaning of the whole text.

I consider my self a good reader because I always learn something new from a book, magazine or any article that I read. Then I put my new knowledge in practice. Another characteristic that describes me as a good reader is that I always go back to the article and read it again if I need to remember specific details that are essential to implement in my practice.

By Iris Paredes

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